The ministry of the committee on finance is to nurture the financial vitality of the congregation.  This is a comprehensive assignment that encompasses the following objectives for a financially vital congregation:

1.      Financial Transparency – Purposefully cultivate a culture of openness and transparency by

a.      Sharing clear, easy-to-understand financial reports with members

b.      Implementing a strong system of internal controls

c.      Providing for annual audit of financial reports

2.      Missional Budgeting and Fundraising – The role of the committee is not to set the spending priorities of the church, but to facilitate the congregation-wide activity of discerning, planning, and budgeting for God’s mission.

3.      Best Practices – Engage in practices that ensure current financial health and long-term sustainability, including:

a.      Deal with risk

b.      Laws and regulations

c.      Restricted donations and non-cash gifts

d.      Related-party transactions

e.      Apportionments

 Stewardship as Discipleship Goal – Help members of the congregation embrace a life of stewardship.  Ultimately for Christians, all we have is a gift from God, no Christian has complete control over their money or possessions.  The Finance Committee can play a key role in encouraging members to advance their understanding of stewardship beyond “fundraising to pay the church’s bills” and fully embrace their vocation as stewards of God’s blessings.


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