The “Three Cs” of Lent

Motor City Wesley celebrates a season of community, creativity and conspiracy.

Motor City Wesley is celebrating an amazing month of ministry with college students and young adults. With the support of Dearborn First UMC and other partner faith communities, this is a Lent full of community, creativity and conspiracy for God’s goodness in the world.

Kicking off Lent with Campus Community…

We started off on Shrove Tuesday by giving away 200 paczki at Wayne State University. Dubbed “Body Positive Fat Tuesday” the focus was on helping people grab a treat and to hear that God loves them just the way they are.

The next day we partnered with local clergy leaders to offer ashes to students and staff as they moved through the Student Center. Numerous young people shared versions of the response, “Oh! Is it Ash Wednesday? I’m so glad you reminded me!”

Motor City Creativity heads to Nashville!

Later in the month we shifted into Spring Break mode and took 7 students and friends to Nashville, TN to record a new Motor City Hymns album at Kingswood Productions - a part of United Methodist Communications. Over a week we began constructing this new collection of songs focusing on the diverse metaphors for God in the Bible. Plus, a visit to the National Museum of African American Music gave us the chance to immerse ourselves in the story of that community’s influence on sacred music and more.

Motor City Hymns II will be available this Summer!

Carrying on the Conspiracy for Good

Motor City Wesley exists because of churches like Dearborn First UMC who invest in the lives of young people. The fruitfulness of this season on campus and beyond comes as a direct result of the care DFUMC has taken to support youth and young adults in all their creative witness to Jesus’ work in their lives.

Thank you, friends.

Carl Gladstone, Deacon
Director, Youth & Young Adult Ministries

(586)295-3055 |


About the author:

Carl Gladstone is the Co-Producer of Student Goodness at Motor City Wesley, as well as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Dearborn First United Methodist Church. Both positions are further enhanced by his talents as a Singer-songwriter at Carl Thomas Gladstone. And when he isn’t conspiring with young people, he’s raising his own two young sons in the Motor City along with his wife, Anna.


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