Whether you’re black, white, gay, straight,
baptized, unbaptized,
if you know all about Jesus,
or are still learning and questioning
or if you’re somewhere in between
all of these things -
you are welcome here
at Dearborn First United Methodist Church.

Connect with God
Deepen your spiritual experience - explore opportunities for worship, Bible study and prayer for all ages.
Worship on Sundays at 10am
On Sundays at 10am we gather to connect with God in worship. Music, scripture, message, children’s moment, prayer and more bring us closer to God’s hopes for the world.

Care For Each Other
Discover what it means to be part of a Caring Community for
all ages as we build community through fellowship,
friendship and ministering to each other - children, youth,
young and young-at-heart adults - in the life of our church.

Serve the World
By serving the world, we serve God and answer the call to love our neighbors. Check out opportunities to put faith in action here!
As a reconciling congregation, Dearborn First United Methodist Church celebrates that all persons are created in God’s image and are worthy of receiving God’s unconditional love and grace. We invite and welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic situations, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities and religious backgrounds into the life and ministries of our church.
Learn more at RMNETWORK.ORG