Worship Livestream
Sundays at 10am
View Worship here LIVE on Sundays.
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Life of the Church
The fastest, easiest way to give is online through our secure platform.
However, you can drop it in the offering plate, or mail it in!
Give now with just a couple clicks through our secure donations page at DearbornFirstUMC.org/giveonline.
Text your donation dollar amount to
Checks payable to: “Dearborn First UMC”
Please write "offering" in the memo line and mail to
22124 Garrison, Dearborn MI 48124
Upcoming opportunities to Connect, Care and Serve!
9th Annual Souperbowl Challenge Jan. 1 through Feb. 9, 2025. Four local churches compete to fill their food pantries to help those in need. Please bring donations to the DFUMC Welcome Center - BUT PLEASE WAIT UNTIL JANUARY 1! Otherwise, they don’t count.
You will also be able to donate financially - cash, check, or online. Those details will be available starting January 1!
All youth and young adults are welcome to join us during Sunday Worship for Donuts, Discipleship, and Dialogue. We will enjoy donuts and have a youth oriented discussion related to the sermon’s topic for the week.
SUNDAY JANUARY 5 @ NOON - DFUMC Ministry Launchpad Workshop designed to equip dreamers and leaders looking to start or strengthen ministries at Dearborn First UMC.
Explore prayer as active ministry during this 6-week small group session, led by Pastor Suzy Todd. Mondays, 6 - 7:30 p.m., January 6 - Feb. 10, DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Contact Pastor Suzy if interested, or if you have questions.
Join us for pizza and our weekly exploration of how we can use our unique gifts to glorify God and benefit our community. Gifts in Action is all about finding fun, exciting ways for youth and young adults to identify and utilize their gifts within the church and beyond. These nights are full of fun, laughter, and community. All are welcome!
The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 pm via In-person/Zoom hybrid. Email library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the zoom link, or contact the church office during business hours (M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 313.563.5200. The schedule of book titles through the year can be found at DearbornFirstUMC.org/book-club.
All youth and young adults are welcome to join us during Sunday Worship for Donuts, Discipleship, and Dialogue. We will enjoy donuts and have a youth oriented discussion related to the sermon’s topic for the week.
Come honor the greatness woven throughout the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through a celebration with song, prayer, and acknowledgement of those within our congregations who are pivotal examples of his legacy.
Attend in person or via livestream
Presented by the Greater Detroit District of the United Methodist Church. Co-hosted by: Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church.
Join us for pizza and our weekly exploration of how we can use our unique gifts to glorify God and benefit our community. Gifts in Action is all about finding fun, exciting ways for youth and young adults to identify and utilize their gifts within the church and beyond. These nights are full of fun, laughter, and community. All are welcome!
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, January 14 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.