Book Discussion w/Pastor Suzy
BOOK DISCUSSION with Pastor Suzy, Monday, March 10, 6 p.m., DFUMC Wesleyan Hall (In-Person). Based on the book “The Church Unique” by church consultant, Will Mancini. Learn about a new model for visioning that helps church leaders cast a vision, capture culture, and create movement. RSVP using the online form or email pastor@dearbornfirstumc.org

Blessing in a Backpack Pack Session
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, 120 N. Military St. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.

The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC
The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 pm via In-person/Zoom hybrid. Email library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the zoom link, or contact the church office during business hours (M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 313.563.5200. The schedule of book titles through the year can be found at DearbornFirstUMC.org/book-club.

Dearborn Community Food Pantry
Food Distribution takes place the third Saturday of every month. Show up at Good Shepherd UMC from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. to serve, or to be served. Learn more on our food ministry web page.

Blessing in a Backpack Pack Session
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, April 8 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.

Holy Week Breakfast
The FREE event will feature a guest speaker, Rev. Steve Perrine of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in Dearborn, as well as a light breakfast of hard-boiled eggs, pastries, fruit and coffee or tea. RSVP using the online form, or contact the church office: 313-563-5200

Ash Wednesday Worship Service
Mark the beginning of Lent with this service of ashes Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. The service will be both in-person and online via livestream. View on our LIVE page, on Facebook, or on YouTube.

Virtual Craft & Chat
Meet up with friendly crafters each Wednesday on Zoom. Bring your own project, supplies, and conversation and watch the time fly by! Contact the church office to request the Zoom link.

Drive-Up Imposition of Ashes
Come kick off Lent with Drive-Up Imposition of Ashes on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the parking lot of Good Shepherd UMC, 1570 Mason Street.

Virtual Craft & Chat
Meet up with friendly crafters each Wednesday on Zoom. Bring your own project, supplies, and conversation and watch the time fly by! Contact the church office to request the Zoom link.

DAIN Interfaith Feast
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 6 - 8 P.M., Dearborn Area Interfaith Network (DAIN) presents an interfaith feast at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Dearborn. This is the first of several such events, aimed at getting to know each other and our houses of worship better, one meal at a time. RSVP at https://dain-february.eventbrite.com/

History of the Church Small Group Study
TUESDAYS @ 10:30 A.M.: A new small group study explores the evolution of church history from the days of Jesus to present day. Led by Jack Linton and Tara Gnau. In-person only in Wesleyan Hall. The ongoing study runs through the end of May, and will resume in September through the end of the year.

Book Discussion with Pastor Suzy
BOOK DISCUSSION with Pastor Suzy: “The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America" by Richard Rothstein. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 @ 6 P.M. - In-Person only - DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. DearbornFirstUMC.org/study

Dearborn Community Food Pantry
Food Distribution takes place the third Saturday of every month. Show up at Good Shepherd UMC from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. to serve, or to be served. Learn more on our food ministry web page.

The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC
The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 pm via In-person/Zoom hybrid. Email library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the zoom link, or contact the church office during business hours (M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 313.563.5200. The schedule of book titles through the year can be found at DearbornFirstUMC.org/book-club.

Blessing in a Backpack Pack Session
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, 120 N. Military St. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.

History of the Church Small Group Study
TUESDAYS @ 10:30 A.M. starting February 11: A new small group study explores the evolution of church history from the days of Jesus to present day. Led by Jack Linton and Tara Gnau. In-person only in Wesleyan Hall. The ongoing study runs through the end of May, and will resume in September through the end of the year.

UM Webinar: Solidarity with the Sojourner
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 @ 7 P.M. - Take part in this informative webinar presented by United Methodist leaders around the denomination. The webinar will discuss the current immigration landscape, its challenges, and practical ways to respond. Space is limited, so registration is required. Learn more here.

Cass Shelter Dinner at Plymouth First UMC
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 @ 5 P.M. - Support the Cass Rotating Shelter - join a DFUMC team to serve dinner at Plymouth First UMC. To volunteer, contact Barb: missions@dearbornfirstumc.org

Bring Your Own Board Game Night - Gifts in Action Invite Night
Have some pizza, learn a new game, make some new friends! Youth are encouraged to invite one church elder outside their immediate family and one friend from school to join us!

ILJ Citizenship Intake Clinic
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. immigration Law and Justice-Michigan will be hosting a citizenship intake clinic. Volunteers are needed to help staff the event in hourly shifts as greeters, check-in table, and intake volunteers.

Youth & YA: Donuts, Discipleship, & Dialogue
All youth and young adults are welcome to join us during Sunday Worship for Donuts, Discipleship, and Dialogue. We will enjoy donuts and have a youth oriented discussion related to the sermon’s topic for the week.

DFUMC Kids' Club
DFUMC Kids’ Club Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:15 PM, DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Come join Andrew Gladstone-Highland for faith and fun! Kids learn about God and each other through singing, bells, games, storytelling and more! Come get the wiggles out and see where the Spirit leads us!

Youth & YA: Gifts in Action
Join us for pizza and our weekly exploration of how we can use our unique gifts to glorify God and benefit our community. Gifts in Action is all about finding fun, exciting ways for youth and young adults to identify and utilize their gifts within the church and beyond. These nights are full of fun, laughter, and community. All are welcome!

SouperBowl Kickoff Potluck
Bring your favorite soup, side, or dessert to the SouperBowl Kickoff Potluck Sunday, January 19 following worship. Let’s share our gifts and resources to help alleviate hunger in Dearborn!

Youth & YA: Donuts, Discipleship, & Dialogue
All youth and young adults are welcome to join us during Sunday Worship for Donuts, Discipleship, and Dialogue. We will enjoy donuts and have a youth oriented discussion related to the sermon’s topic for the week.

Dearborn Community Food Pantry
Food Distribution takes place the third Saturday of every month. Show up at Good Shepherd UMC from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. to serve, or to be served. Learn more on our food ministry web page.

DFUMC Kids' Club
DFUMC Kids’ Club Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:15 PM, DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Come join Andrew Gladstone-Highland for faith and fun! Kids learn about God and each other through singing, bells, games, storytelling and more! Come get the wiggles out and see where the Spirit leads us in the New Year!

Blessing in a Backpack Pack Session
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, January 14 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.

Youth & YA: Gifts in Action
Join us for pizza and our weekly exploration of how we can use our unique gifts to glorify God and benefit our community. Gifts in Action is all about finding fun, exciting ways for youth and young adults to identify and utilize their gifts within the church and beyond. These nights are full of fun, laughter, and community. All are welcome!

31st Annual Celebration Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Come honor the greatness woven throughout the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through a celebration with song, prayer, and acknowledgement of those within our congregations who are pivotal examples of his legacy.
Attend in person or via livestream
Presented by the Greater Detroit District of the United Methodist Church. Co-hosted by: Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church.

Youth & YA: Donuts, Discipleship, & Dialogue
All youth and young adults are welcome to join us during Sunday Worship for Donuts, Discipleship, and Dialogue. We will enjoy donuts and have a youth oriented discussion related to the sermon’s topic for the week.

The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC
The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 pm via In-person/Zoom hybrid. Email library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the zoom link, or contact the church office during business hours (M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 313.563.5200. The schedule of book titles through the year can be found at DearbornFirstUMC.org/book-club.

DFUMC Kids' Club
DFUMC Kids’ Club Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:15 PM, DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Come join Andrew Gladstone-Highland for faith and fun! Kids learn about God and each other through singing, bells, games, storytelling and more! Come get the wiggles out and see where the Spirit leads us in the New Year!

Youth & YA: Gifts in Action
Join us for pizza and our weekly exploration of how we can use our unique gifts to glorify God and benefit our community. Gifts in Action is all about finding fun, exciting ways for youth and young adults to identify and utilize their gifts within the church and beyond. These nights are full of fun, laughter, and community. All are welcome!

Prayer Ministry Small Group
Explore prayer as active ministry during this 6-week small group session, led by Pastor Suzy Todd. Mondays, 6 - 7:30 p.m., January 6 - Feb. 10, DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Contact Pastor Suzy if interested, or if you have questions.