Experience supportive, caring community as we work together - and play together - to carry out the life and ministries of our church. We believe that in community the fullness of God’s hopes for the world can be made known.

Opportunities to Care for Each Other
BOOK DISCUSSION with Pastor Suzy, Monday, March 10, 6 p.m., DFUMC Wesleyan Hall (In-Person). Based on the book “The Church Unique” by church consultant, Will Mancini. Learn about a new model for visioning that helps church leaders cast a vision, capture culture, and create movement. RSVP using the online form or email pastor@dearbornfirstumc.org
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, 120 N. Military St. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.
The Book Club at Dearborn First UMC meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 pm via In-person/Zoom hybrid. Email library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the zoom link, or contact the church office during business hours (M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 313.563.5200. The schedule of book titles through the year can be found at DearbornFirstUMC.org/book-club.
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, April 8 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.
The FREE event will feature a guest speaker, Rev. Steve Perrine of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in Dearborn, as well as a light breakfast of hard-boiled eggs, pastries, fruit and coffee or tea. RSVP using the online form, or contact the church office: 313-563-5200
Make a Joyful Noise - Sing with DFUMC Chancel Choir! Experience fun and fellowship while sharing the joy of music in worship on a regular basis.
The Book Club meets the second Thursday of every month at 2 p.m., September thru May, in-person and via Zoom. Contact library@dearbornfirstumc.org for the Zoom link. All are welcome.
The handbell ministry offers opportunities for all ages to experience fun and fellowship while sharing the joy of music in worship on a regular basis.
The Mobility Assistance Team (MAT) is a hospitality ministry helping those who need extra support to get safely from their car to their pew.
Dearborn First United Methodist Church is happy to host both member and nonmember wedding ceremonies in our picturesque sanctuary. All work is done through a dedicated wedding planner.
Knit/crochet Prayer Shawls that will be dedicated in a Worship Service and gifted to members, family and friends, who will benefit from the warmth and prayers of a Prayer Shawl.
Providing children’s ministry programming throughout the year with emphasis on connecting, caring, and serving our congregation and community both locally and globally.