Dearborn First UMC Family Worship Service
THIS SUNDAY! February 26 @ 10 a.m.
“…I’m an important part of my family, I’m an important part of my church, and I’m important to you, God.”
So goes the prayer kids at Dearborn First UMC grow up praying during their time in the worship service.
To show kids and youth just how important they are, Dearborn First UMC, Dearborn First Youth and Dearborn First Kids are introducing a Family Worship Service this month!
Kids and Youth grades PreK-12 will be in the sanctuary during worship for hands-on participation. We're encouraging families to sign up kids for roles to make our worship come to life on February 26th - special music, ushering, serving communion, collecting the offering, reading prayers…
AN ALL-CHURCH POTLUCK follows the service in the Wesleyan Hall, so be sure to:
Bring Kids!
Bring Coins (for Noisy Offering)
Bring a Side, salad or dessert to pass!
Click the button below to explore choices -- be sure to check back as new roles may be added.