Time to Renew, Revitalize, Refocus

Photo Courtesy of Tim Mossholder, Pexels.com

Photo Courtesy of Tim Mossholder, Pexels.com

From the Desk of Pastor David

Week of March 15, 2021

Dear Church Family,

First of all, I want to say what a privilege it has been for both Glenys and I to serve Dearborn First UMC for nearly three years! You are a most wonderful ‘church family’ and we are very blessed. Even during the most difficult times of the Pandemic we have always found some silver lining and seen God’s presence at work in our congregation. 

Some of you may know that I am a British Methodist Pastor serving with the United Methodist Church. In fact, I’ve been serving in the U.S for nearly 21 years, and what a gift it has been. One of the requirements of being an Elder with the British Methodist Church is that I am mandated to take a sabbatical, or renewal leave. The first one is taken after 10 years of ministry and then every seven years after that. This means that this year I am due to take my third renewal leave (actually I am a few years behind). 

The renewal leave is a period of three months, which I am greatly looking forward to and know that I really need. It’s hard to describe a vocation which is on the one hand extremely fulfilling and rewarding, but also means you are on the clock 24/7. Our wonderful SPRC team have been working with me to affect my renewal leave starting May 17th and returning on August 16th. I purposely chose to stagger the leave in this way so that I can get back in ‘the saddle’ before our program year really kicks off again in September.

I am sure you have many questions, but I think the two most popular ones are: who will cover for you pastorally and who will preach? I have good news on both fronts. First of all Rev Steve Perrine pastor of Good Shepherd UMC will provide pastoral coverage. Secondly, I have managed to secure an exciting line up of preachers and pastors to share the sermon and preside at Communion while I’m away.  

Please remember also that we have a most excellent staff and volunteers who will be working away while I’m gone. I know that I can take a renewal leave with a peaceful heart and mind because the church is not only in good shape, it’s also in good hands.

I thank you in advance for your understanding, and for playing your part while Glenys and I are away 😊


Thanks and Peace,

Pastor David


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

- Psalm 51:10

For more information about Pastor David’s renewal leave, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.


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