Come Join Us in the Garden for
Vacation Bible School!

Monday, August 12th - Friday, August 16th • 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. (Dinner Included*)
Dearborn First United Methodist Church
22124 Garrison St. (between Mason & Howard Streets)

*Bring the whole family! Dinner is free (free-will donations are accepted).

  • Register your Child(ren)!

    Kids aged 4 - 5th grade are invited to Come and join us in the garden as we celebrate who we are, learn how to use our voice, and share our gifts with our community!

  • Check out the Program!

    Our differences make us beautiful – not better or worse than anyone else! JUST Like Me grounds the subject in biblical stories, lived experiences, and a theology of compassion.

  • Volunteer!

    Help kids grow and discover that what makes them different also makes them special! Enage with them through crafts, music, snack and games! Contact Ms. Tracy to volunteer.


Event organizers are in search of some items that will make VBS extra fun!
If you’re able, please click the button to check out the list and sign up!
Thank you - see you soon!

Contact Tracy Lahay, Director of Children & Family Ministries:

Other Opportunities to get involved