Worship Livestream
Sundays at 10am
View Worship here LIVE on Sundays.
For SPECIAL SERVICES like funerals, weddings, or other observances, click here.
Life of the Church
THIS WEDNESDAY - 2 WAYS TO RECEIVE ASHES and mark the start of Lent: Drive-Up Ashes at Good Shepherd UMC, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.. COME TO EVENING WORSHIP at Dearborn First UMC, 7 p.m. All are welcome to receive ashes and to participate in Holy Communion. Nursery care or Wee Worship space available for kids 4 and younger. Kids 5+ invited to participate in the worship service with their families.
UMCOR SUNDAY is Sunday, March 30, when we take a special offering for United Methodist Committee on Relief, the global relief arm that provides humanitarian aid. We will be collecting donations throughout the month of March. Give by cash, check payable to Dearborn First UMC, with "UMCOR Sunday" in the memo, or give online by clicking the image above.
BOOK CHAT WITH PASTOR SUZY Monday, March 10 @ 6 p.m., DFUMC Wesleyan Hall. Come explore what it takes to cast vision, capture culture and create movement in the church. All are welcome!
SOUP SALES ARE ON A BREAK THIS WEEK, but will be available again next Sunday, March 9. BUY SOUP SUNDAYS AFTER WORSHIP (11 a.m. - noon) at DFUMC Welcome Center! Three different varieties will be available each week. 1 Quart = $10; proceeds support Cass Community Social Services!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with the Holy Week Breakfast. Help on the food committee, Prep on Friday, April 11 @ 10 a.m., setup on Saturday, April 12 at 9 a.m., or help clean up after the event on Saturday. To volunteer, see Saranne Good or Barb Wolicki after church at the Welcome Center, or click the image above to email Barb (missions@dearbornfirstumc.org)
Thanks for pledging to support DFUMC mission and ministry in 2025! IF YOU CHANGED YOUR GIVING AMOUNT, and you give through Vanco auto pay system, please make sure to update your new gift in your account. Click the image above to go to the Vanco giving platform and sign in to your account. OR contact Pete: e-giving@dearbornfirstumc.org
The fastest, easiest way to give is online through our secure platform.
However, you can drop it in the offering plate, or mail it in!
Give now with just a couple clicks through our secure donations page at DearbornFirstUMC.org/giveonline.
Text your donation dollar amount to
Checks payable to: “Dearborn First UMC”
Please write "offering" in the memo line and mail to
22124 Garrison, Dearborn MI 48124